How To Save The Planet
Take Climate Action And Help Save The Environment With This One Big And Easy Step
Eating The Earth is a campaign for social change that aims to educate people on how to save the planet through one big and easy action - eating less meat.
On this page you will find an overview that explains how we are all "eating the earth" and why taking action on this is the single biggest step you can take to reduce your impact and help save our wonderful planet earth.
1. Climate change and the environment
3. Why this is such a big solution
Climate Change And The Environment
Where Are We At?
As we stand, the earth is on a path of total devastation.
We are forging our way forward to a climate change disaster in which nature as we know it, and human life as we know it, will not survive.
The realities of climate change are beginning to show their apocalyptic power, but it's not just that. The environment is continually being destroyed too, through deforestation and pollution, which has resulted in the inception of the earth's sixth mass extinction event.
Changes are taking place throughout the world to help save the planet but,
what we have done so far is too little, too late.
The fight is not over though.
Whilst the 20th century was defined by an incredible advancement in technology and a population explosion, this century will likely be defined by the attempt to stop the climate crisis whilst we learn to live in harmony with the earth.
This is a fight we can win, but only if we all take action.
Where Are We Going?
Individuals, Governments and Businesses need to do all they can to reduce their impact on the earth. This is happening already, but not fast enough.
Global average temperature increases need to be limited to a maximum of 2°, but ideally it would be kept under 1.5° to limit the worst of the effects.
What many people don't know is that we are already over 1° of warming.
In terms of environmental destruction, it is a mixed situation. Rates of deforestation fluctuate, some fish stocks see recovery but others fail, whilst habitat loss is always increasing.
Solving Climate Change
There are many small changes the world needs to make, but the 3 largest elements that need to be tackled are: -
Energy: -
Your electricity supply is increasingly becoming more sustainable as renewable energy sources come online across the world. Solar and Wind are now generally the cheapest way to generate new power, and this will continue to increase. There is still a long way to go, but we will one day see the world powered by 100% renewable energy.
Eco tip - You can help speed this up by changing your energy supplier to a renewable only energy provider.
Transport: -
Cars, trucks and planes make up a sizeable portion of global emissions. The market for electric cars is ever increasing and, whilst this is also not happening fast enough, there will one day only be electric cars. Europe leads the way with a ban on the sale of new petrol cars from the mid 2030's.
Trucks will follow in those footsteps. Hydrogen fuel or other technology may also come into the mix.
Flying is a trickier task but thankfully makes up a smaller proportion of global emissions. Technology is being explored in this area, but flying less is the best option.
Eco tip - Try using your car less by taking public transport and fly less by journeying those long distances by train.
Food: -
Steps are also been taken in this industry, but once again, too slowly.
Reducing the impact of food largely comes from limiting the amount of meat consumed, using alternative milks and reducing food waste.
New plant-based food options are coming onto the supermarket shelves all the time, including many products that aim to imitate meat. Food waste is making some progress too, but not much.
Eco tip - Reduce your meat consumption to at most once per day. Reduce food waste by planning out your meals.
Solving Environmental Issues
Many charities and organisations do some great work to reduce the impact. Some governments take steps to help by protecting habitats, and some businesses help by creating sustainable products for us to buy.
In reality though, we are losing this one.
Every year the oceans take in more plastic, precious forests are burned down and species become extinct at a rate not seen for 65 million years.
Eco tip - Most people are not aware that they can help the environment with their dietary choices. Find out how below.
How Long Do We Have?
The short answer is, we don't know.
But, we can surmise that we are not going fast enough at present.
There is however some light at the end of the tunnel - at around the year 2100.
Population growth across all parts of the world is ultimately the reason why emissions have risen so much(emissions per person also plays a part) and whilst the population is still growing, the rate of growth is slowing. According to the UN, it will be around the year 2100 when we reach maximum population levels, at around 11 billion.
This gives us hope that, should we solve this problem in the next couple of decades, we can see it through to the finish line.
Who Needs To Act?
We already know all the behaviour changes needed, and the technology required, to save the planet. What we don't have, is the impetus.
Unfortunately governments are failing to act, or acting too slowly. Businesses only do the minimum and only care about profits.
We need individuals to step up and lead the way. If you make small changes in your won life, we can collectively make a big difference.
Pushing your government to do more is necessary, as is using businesses that are doing the right thing. That is not enough though - we need individuals to tackle their own environmental impact.
This means, getting renewable power to your home. It means buying an electric car, next time you upgrade. It means flying less.
There is one further action that is also a necessary inclusion in the climate and environmental solution. It's very easy, yet achieves so much - eating less meat.
This is possibly the most powerful action you can take.
Let's find out why.

"We can save the earth without giving up anything at all"
Food Sustainability
Food is one of the biggest contributors to climate change and the biggest factor in environmental destruction. This is primarily from the methane released in growing livestock and deforestation to make room for the livestock, particularly cows.
Cattle are extremely inefficient. They take up a lot of room, live for a long time and need to be fed a lot. The impact from this is so great and the alternative so little that just limiting the consumption of meat is probably the biggest action you can individually take to help the environment and limit climate change.
Let's look at the benefits of eating less meat, then the facts that explain how this is such an incredible, easy, one-stop solution to most of the planet's problems.
The Benefits Of Eating Less Meat
You can: -
Cut down one of the big 3 contributors to climate change
Stop and reverse worldwide deforestation
Reduce climate change through reforestation
Allow fish stocks to recover
Help stop the biggest extinction event since the dinosaurs
Save millions of wild animals
Save trillions of litres of fresh water
Reduce pollution of land and rivers
Reduce oceanic dead zones
Be a much healthier and happier person
Make it possible to easily feed the entire world - no starvation
Reduce animal cruelty
Improve the economy(less sick days, more tourism, less natural disasters)
Be proud you did what you could to make the world better for your children
Keep David Attenborough in a job

Climate Change - the benefits of eating less meat

Reduce Deforestation - the benefits of eating less meat

David Attenborough - the benefits of eating less meat

Climate Change - the benefits of eating less meat
What The Fact!
The following facts have been reported in scientific journals, by the UN, governments, respected NGO's and the media. They are all backed up through our detailed research which is collated on the Research page.
The Main Facts
Agriculture is one of the 3 big causes of climate change (alongside transport and energy production)
Around 85% of global fish stocks are over-fished
80 to 90% of the Amazon rainforest that is destroyed is to make room for cows
It takes about 1750 litres of water to make a single quarter-pounder beef burger
Livestock uses 3 quarters of our all agricultural land worldwide, but only provides 17% of the calories consumed
The world population has gone from just 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7.7 billion today, tripling in a single lifetime. It's still growing and will top out at over 11 billion by 2100
Average meat consumption globally is around 42kg per person per year. This is currently due to rise to 52kg by 2030, a 25% increase in just over a decade
Eating meat causes many other issues, not least health and ethical ones. Run off from farms helps kill the Great Barrier Reef, the current mass extinction event is partly caused by animal agriculture, fish farms pollute the waterways they use, natural land is reduced to dust by over grazing, natural animals are pushed out of their habitats, oceanic dead zones exist at river mouths, and so on and so on.
Humans do have the power to stop this though. We can do something about it and we can save the planet.
Why Is This Such A Big Environmental Solution?
We have made a comparison of all the main options you have as an individual over on the Top 10 Actions page. Simply put though, this action is the biggest thing you can do to save the planet because it tackles so much all at once.
Using renewable energy, avoiding petrol car driving and flying less are all necessary steps for everyone to take in order to tackle climate change. Whilst we should quite rightly, and with priority, do all that, those actions themselves do not address any other environmental issues.
Food sustainability, especially eating less meat, not only deals with one of the largest portions of the greenhouse gas problem, but it deals with the vast majority of environmental issues at the same time.
This is why it's "the Swiss army knife" of solutions - it deals with it all.

"We can't go on eating meat at the rate we have been"
How Do I Take Action?
Eating less meat is the single, easiest and most powerful thing you can do to help save the planet.
Any action to limit climate change and environmental destruction only works if we all play our part.
Everybody has a busy life and it’s not always easy to make changes but, just by ordering a margherita pizza instead of a pepperoni and taking it from there, you can make it easy to change to an earth friendly diet.
There is no target, just reduce as much as you feel you can, everything counts.
Below, you can find some tips on how to get started and then the next steps to take if you feel you can help even more.
Ways to get started
Reduce the size of your portion of meat
Switch from beef to chicken - it has a much smaller impact
Try a veggie option at your favourite restaurant or takeaway
Have a weekend without eating any meat
Try meat alternatives, like a plant based burger
See what a dairy free ice-cream tastes like
Switch to an alternative milk for your coffee or cereal
Once you've got started, here are some more ideas
Don't buy meat at the supermarket
Only eat beef once per month as a treat
Try out some non-dairy cheese
Go meat free during the week
Do a challenge, like vegetarian or vegan for 1 month
If you need a final target, go for this
5 meat based meals per week, with limited beef
But remember, don't be too hard on yourself, just do as much as you can
Bonus points for going beyond
Vegan is the best
Vegetarian is great too, just watch out for that dairy
How To Help Even More
Know that your actions resonate as others watch what you do. It takes time for it to sink in, but what you do is always noticed and eventually it will have a positive effect.
People will ask why you are reducing your meat consumption or trying to reduce food waste. Don't be afraid to talk about it and direct them to this website if they want to know more.
Follow and share us on Instagram and Facebook through the links at the bottom of the page.
Make a pledge and quickly share the post on Facebook - just click this image.
We have an A3 poster that would be appropriate to put up in your office kitchen, school canteen, or on a notice board, for example. Please seek permission before you do so. Click to DOWNLOAD

We also have a flyer, which you can print at A4 and cut up to get 4 separate flyers. These would be appropriate to put on a notice board where room is limited, in your shop, cafe or waiting room, or to hand out at an event. Please seek permission before you do so. Click to DOWNLOAD

Get more involved
If you have the desire, time and capability to get more involved, we would love to hear from you. What we need are: -
Special, motivated people who have lots of spare time and are highly competent and preferably native speakers of languages other than english, who can setup and run campaigns in other countries. This would essentially involve translating and posting communications that are generated here.
People who can create professional level graphical or animated content to post on social media.
People who have connections in high places and can help to get a foot in the door to speak to important people who may want to help spread the campaign.
Volunteers who wish to spread awareness in their local community via traditional methods such as putting up posters.
Drop us an e-mail and we will endeavor to respond as soon as we can.
Media: Please also contact us through the e-mail address below.
Eating The Earth
"The campaign to save the world, one bite at a time"
Below are more quick facts from our Instagram feed. If you want more in depth information, head over to the Research page. For a run down of other actions you can take and to explain why this is the biggest individual action you can take, check out the Top 10 Actions page. Or, try the FAQ's page if you have some questions.
Please help to spread this information by liking, following and sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts.